The Scarborough Fair Guitar Tutorial below is an arrangement for acoustic or classical guitar. You need to be able to play bar chords so it’s intended for intermediate players.
If you haven’t yet mastered bar chords, take the FREE course on this page.
Watch the first video below to hear the acoustic guitar performance, then watch the second for a step-by-step guide on how to play it. Scroll down below the videos to get the FREE TAB/NOTATION sheet music.
Scarborough Fair – Acoustic Guitar Performance
Listen to this traditional folk song played on solo guitar. Scroll down for the tutorial and a lesson on the dynamics of how you can play this. The FREE TAB & STANDARD NOTATION file is also below.
Guitar Tutorial Video
Here is the tutorial video that goes through one bar at a time. The video teaches HOW to play this rather than which notes to play. You can get the notes from the FREE download TAB/Notation.
Scarborough Fair Sheet Music
Here is the sheet music for the solo guitar arrangement in the videos above.