You don’t need to know these Guitar Fretboard Secrets if you have a photographic memory. For those who don’t, keep reading!
First, some background. I was fortunate to have had classical guitar lessons from 8 years old. In the beginning I learned to read comfortably playing in a few keys in open position. Later as I took on more advanced music pieces, I had to play up the fretboard.
Get the Guitar Fretboard Secrets Course course available with these coupon links here on Udemy, and now with Part 1 available on Skillshare.
Guitar Fretboard – Secret No.1
Some of the pieces that I took on had me playing all over the fretboard. But here is the secret that I didn’t share with my teachers: I was playing from memory! Sometimes I would get it right and sometimes not.
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Guitar Chord Charts Notebook – Blank 12-fret guitar charts with TAB/staff lines – handy 6″ x 9″ size. Has page numbers and blank Contents pages. Keep your chord charts and music notes in one place.
When I got it wrong and was challenged by my teacher, I used to go into a cold sweat, trying to figure out where those notes on the sheet were on the fretboard. I didn’t want to admit that I didn’t know. Of course – he knew.
Other Guitar Fretboard Secrets
So how did I eventually improve my lack of fretboard knowledge? Watch this video and find out the Fretboard Secrets that I want to share with you.