Download an arrangement of America the Beautiful Guitar Solo pdf here (soon!). Then watch the video below to walk you through the arrangement.
Here’s the FREE pdf file.
Guitar Level of Difficulty
The pdf arrangement on this page has a few places where bar chords may not be avoidable. You’ll also need to know how to play fingerstyle.
If you are a good flatpicker, you can probably figure out a way to play this without fingers. Most (if not all) of the melody is on the highest string being played, so with some string skipping you should be able to play through it.
About the Guitar Solo
The arrangement in the video is played on classical guitar. However, there is no reason why this couldn’t be played on an acoustic guitar or even an electric.
Learn Fingerstyle Guitar
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Today, fingerstyle guitar is more popular than ever. Consider some of the courses below to develop your fingerstyle playing.
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